Kalandra International

- Courses
- Co-Owned Courses
Teacher Courses
A course that explores what it takes to work within the New Zealand health system including comprehensive information on Legislation/Codes and Acts...
USD $ 172
Programme A: Cost NZ$5250 (can be paid in two instalments) Learners who hold a qualification in nursing or caregiving and have completed a minimum ...
USD $ 3,282
Providing an overview of inter-professional practices, quality and environmental safety. Covering topics such as working in a multidisciplinary tea...
USD $ 172
Providing an overview of nursing care management systems and how they work. This module is delivered online and is learner driven. There is no maxi...
USD $ 172
A course that reviews the different systems within the human body and  various diseases that can affect them. This module is delivered online and i...
USD $ 172
An in-depth exploration of culture in health care, paying particular attention to the Treaty of Waitangi and M?ori health care models. This module ...
USD $ 274
This programme consists of 5 modules in assisting you to complete Competence Assessment Preparation. Module 1: The New Zealand Health System – A co...
USD $ 1,218
An in-depth course on the many aspects of Dementia and supporting someone with Dementia. Including information about dementia, support for someone ...
USD $ 27
Covering a range of topics relating to what “observation skills” entails especially aimed at the person watching a person of concern. This course c...
USD $ 27
A course that explores the barriers to communication and ways to overcome these barriers, improve communication and explore what supports are avail...
USD $ 49
A course outlining the positive influence that hand and foot care can have on the physical and emotional wellbeing of the older person. This course...
USD $ 27
This course covers topics related to the ageing skin. From the skin ageing process to common skin diseases and conditions that impact the skins hea...
USD $ 30
An in-depth course that covers considerations to factor into the beauty regime of the older person. Covering how the human body, skin in particular...
USD $ 61
The Introduction to Beauty and Touch Therapy Certificate is an introductory course designed at providing a basic understanding of the internal and ...
USD $ 30
The person with intellectual disability has problems with general mental abilities and shows limitations in intellectual and adaptive functioning t...
USD $ 30
Dementia is one of New Zealand most significant and growing healthcare challenges which has a direct impact on family/ whanau and friends. The Deme...
USD $ 25
In this course you will learn about the most important facets of supporting those people who need support in one or more areas of their lives. In t...
USD $ 16
The Preceptor introduces the new employee to a new area of clinical practice. The purpose is to orientate new staff to practice in an effective and...
USD $ 58
Every Registered and Enrolled Nurse in New Zealand is required to renew their Practicing Certificate, and this may require collecting and maintaini...
USD $ 58
Falls are an incredibly common occurrence especially for our older people and they can have serious consequences. This module increases the underst...
USD $ 54
Can you imagine what life would be like if you were deaf, had difficulty seeing, had very shaky writing and could not speak clearly? How do you com...
USD $ 54
This module explores the role of the carer/ healthcare assistant and what the professional expectations are that may be required, such as acting as...
USD $ 54
A person who wishes to truly care for a patient must consider not only the needs of the body but also those of the spirit, and mind. The carer reco...
USD $ 90
The vulnerable person can be anyone who needs help / care and it is easy to be placed or enter into this position. This module explains vulnerabili...
USD $ 68
Caring for the palliative patient requires, knowledge, skill, compassion and caring. The carer needs to know what to look for, how to make a person...
USD $ 68
Many of us hear and see people living with mental distress. They are our family, friends and people in our network; school, work, church, sports et...
USD $ 143
Introduction to Healthcare Short Course for those interested in pursuing a career as a Healthcare Assistant. This module is delivered online and is...
USD $ 61