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Frequently asked questions

How can I get started?

Just browse through the website and select the course of your choice. Then click Enroll Now on the course listing and details page.  This will lead you to an enrollment form that will register you on the website. Registration will automatically set up an account for you to save your favourite courses, track the progress of how many courses you have purchased and form which provider.

How do I sign up?

Click ‘Login/ Register’ on the top right hand corner of the Home page. On the Registration page, just provide us with your full name, email address and desired password. After you complete the registration form, we will send an email to the address you provided. To complete the sign-up process, click on the confirmation link.

Please note you need to take care to put your correct name and spelling in the registration form. Your name will appear on any certificates issued exactly as it appears in your profile. If you receive a certificate and want to update your name, an additional cost may be involved..

How do I find my course?

You may choose to choose a course by first selecting the category of courses you want to study and then choose the course you want by browsing through the courses listed under the category

You can go to the Search bar on top and slect a category or typoe in the key words of the course or type of course you want to study and that should bring up all the courses that are related to this key word.

How do I add a course to my favourites?

On the course  thumbnail or on the course listing page, each course has a heart icon. Simply click this icon to add it to your list.

Once you add a course to your Favourite list, you can revisit these courses by going to your Dashboard and selecting the Favourite Courses tab

How can I access and begin learning my course?

The EdVantage e-Cert website allows you to browse and select the courses of your choice. The courses provided and published by our educators are run by some of these educators on their own portals or LMS( Learning management systems or platforms). Once your enroll into a course the Educator will contact you and guide you through the next steps to gets started with your course.

Some of these courses especially the free courses are also available on the EdVantage Academix LMS and once you enroll into such a Course we will send you an email with the link to access and complete this course.

What can I do when my web browser doesn't work properly?

Check for any ‘Firewall’ or ‘Web proxy’ that might be running on your computer or your network server If you have enabled Cookies, JavaScript, and Pop-ups, and still have problems. You might notice that  both Norton and ZoneAlarm firewalls, and the Privoxy filtering proxy, can cause problems.

Also, if you are using older versions of web browsers , these may not handle CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) HTML correctly, resulting in lines overlaying each other. Please update your browser version and it should solve this problem.

What is the duration of a course?

The duration of a course will vary depending on the type of course, various modules, topics or sub-topics involved and as determined by the course provider. This will usually be mentioned in the course details along with the information on the Educator, course brief description and fees

How can I continue a course if I have left it in between?

Continuing your course from where you left off will depend on whether your course is Self-paced Learning or delivered by an Educator through blended Learning. If it is a Self-paced learning course you can pick up from where you left off but if it is delivered by an Educator you will have to check with them on their policy and how they can accommodate your request, This will vary from Educator to Educator as well. We therefore suggest that it is best to maintain a high level of communication with your Educator to keep them informed of any reasons why you cannot continue with your course for a period of time.

How do assessments work?

Assessments that are set by the Educator or course provider are usually part of the course and designed to follow on from the content you have completed learning. The number of assessments or the type of assessments may vary depending on the course, provider and type of outcome desired. You will be certified once you have completed the course including the assessments if any.

What are the minimum system requirements to run a course on EdVantage e-Cert?

EdVantage e-Cert is only a marketplace form where you can access, choose and purchase courses. The courses are usually run off-site with the Educators on their Learning platform customised to tehri requirements . You will need to check with the Course provider on any specific requirements that they many have

However, the minimum system requirements for accessing and running courses at EdVantage e-Cert are:

Email address – You will need this to Register and log in. If you don’t have one, please sign up and set up an email id with Google™ Mail, Yahoo!® Mail or any other free email provider.

Web browser – usually these are pre-installed on most windows/Mac/Linux operating systems; recommended browsers include Google Chrome® and Mozilla Firefox®.

Adobe® Flash Player – for Internet access . While this works on all speeds, the faster the better.

Processor – a CPU with good speed which is sufficient to run the Flash Player and a browser at the same time should suffice. The higher the speed and capacity the better!

I have forgotten my password what do I reset it?

Go to our login/ Register page by clicking Login/ Register’ on the top right hand corner of the Home page

Select the Forgot Password? link. You will then be asked to enter your email address and click ‘Reset my password’.

You will then receive an email with a link to reset your password