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Partner with us

What is EdVantage e-Cert about?

A EdVantage e-Cert partner is an organisation that is focussed on bringing quality courses from leading and reputed education partners such as Universities, Colleges, and Training establishments and professionals.

Who do we work with?

We work with some of the world’s best universities, Colleges, specialist organisations and centres of training and excellence. They may be education providers that provide accredited courses or non-accredited courses for outcomes that may vary from certification to upskilling

We also work with partners whose key function is to promote the EdVantage e-Cert website and its offerings. This type of partner does not create any courses but instead promotes EdVantage e-Cert and offerings to specific audiences and target markets.

Who can be a EdVantage e-Cert partner?

The partner institution creates all the course content, with guidance from us on the target market, learning design, information template, and we then work together to put the courses onto the platform.

What is the criteria to become a EdVantage e-Cert partner?

Quality of our courses is of primary importance to EdVantage e-Cert and to ensure we maintain it at a high standard, we have certain criteria that we would like our education partners to meet for us to begin or continue working with them.

If you are an institution or training organization that is:

  • Reputable and delivering qualifications that are accredited
  • Demonstrable expertise in an area of knowledge
  • A commitment to enhance and advance education through e-learning
  • Strong academic research capabilities
  • Ability to develop new and engaging content
  • Innovative and creative in its approach to learning methodologies

…we need to hear from you and would be keen to learn more about how you can partner with us and contribute to the EdVantage e-Cert website.

What are the benefits of being a EdVantage e-Cert partner Educator or promoter?

  • Go global

You are already an expert at providing education to learners and taking this beyond a mortar and brick location to the online space where you can target the learners on global scale means that you are looking at scaling up the sales, the number of courses you can promote, the number if learners you can access worldwide, the revenues you can generate and the potential of this growing on a year on year basis is phenomenal…the sky is the limit!

  • Build a global brand together with EdVantage e-Cert

Partnering with EdVantage e-Cert and showcasing your courses on our website reaching out to millions of learners worldwide. This is undoubtedly a great way to showcase your brand or organisation to a global audience and gain exposure in multiple countries at the same time. You would also be accessing a wide range of learners that may otherwise not be able to travel to your country and premises to gain a qualification or certification from your organization.

  • Earn more as referrals and sales grow

Satisfied learners and customers usually talk about what they have achieved and knowingly or unknowingly provide referrals to courses offered by you. We suggest you create a range of course form Free tasters to full-fledged qualifications or certifications. We will help you market these courses and help generate leads. Remember, you are selling courses worldwide and hence your income has the potential of growing exponentially!

  • Attract future students for On-campus courses

The courses you showcase and sell on the EdVantage e-Cert website basically acts as a first step towards getting to know your organization, the quality and content of the courses you provide. Once impressed, these students are highly likely not only to access and try out more courses you showcase on our website but it will also allow you to recruit them for your on-campus courses.

  • Use digital innovation and creativity

Our innovative and creative digital team with years of experience in design and technology, will provide you complete support during the creation of your course. We will collaborate with you to help you to not only help develop your course but also to deliver courses to complete a much desired high standard e-learning experience.

Get in touch with EdVantage e-Cert today!

If you’re interested in becoming a partner Edcuator or promoter, want more information or have further questions in this regard, you are keen to provide us more information about how we can collaborate together, please email us at ecert@edvantageinternational.com