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Learn Lithuanian Online – (Business)

Course Overview

Lithuanian is considered as one of the oldest Indo-European languages, the great-granddad of the family! Although one of its closest relatives is Latvian, it also has strong family ties with ancient Sanskrit, and paternal influence from the Nordic and Germanic cultures. A truly multi-cultural family member! Although only just over 40,500 square miles (65,000 square kilometers) in size, Lithuania has over eight thousand lakes, a long stretch of Baltic coast and 30% of its country is made up of forest. A land of wood and water, nature is integral to its culture and language.

Course Content

  • On the Phone
  • On the Phone to a Company
  • Leaving a Phone Message
  • Please Call Me Back
  • Calling Customer Service
  • Problems on the Phone
  • What Do You Do?
  • What Do You Do For A Living?
  • Introducing Colleagues
  • Introducing Your Company
  • Talking About Your Products
  • Delivery of Products
  • Payment Terms
  • Negotiation of the Sale
  • Contracts and Agreements
  • Discussing a Reseller Agreement
  • Discussing a Distribution Agreement
  • Marketing
  • Marketing Your Brand
  • Launching Your Product
  • Market Research
  • Advertising Your Product
  • E-Commerce and Online Marketing
  • Marketing to Online Customers
  • Meetings
  • Setting Up a Meeting Time
  • Setting Up a Meeting Place
  • Rearranging Meetings
  • Preparing for Meetings
  • Meeting at Trade Shows
  • Traveling Overseas on Business
  • At the airport
  • Taking The Train
  • At The Hotel
  • Going By Taxi
  • Going By Bus or Train
  • The Hotel Part 1 Check-In
  • The Hotel Part 2 Rooms
  • The Hotel Part 3 Questions
  • The Hotel Part 4 More Questions
  • The Hotel Part 5 Checkout
  • Hiring a car
  • Where is the Nearest Bank?
  • At The Bank
  • Online Banking
  • Stocks and Shares
  • Internet Access
  • Working Online
  • Online Security

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