Learn Luxembourgish Online – (Business)
Course Overview
Luxembourgish is the national language of Luxembourg, whereas the languages of administration and official documents are German and French. This means that Luxembourgers are truly tri-lingual, which is pretty cool for people living in a triangle-shaped country! Just in case you were wondering, its three neighbors are Belgium, France and Germany. So it’s not surprising that Luxembourgish has a lot in common with German and Dutch, plus a healthy dollop of French words. The perfect language to take a cheeky short cut to being multi-lingual! Did you know? Luxembourgish is also spoken in the Arelerland region of Belgium (part of the Province of Luxembourg) and in small parts of Lorraine in France.
Course Content
- On the Phone
- On the Phone to a Company
- Leaving a Phone Message
- Please Call Me Back
- Calling Customer Service
- Problems on the Phone
- What Do You Do?
- What Do You Do For A Living?
- Introducing Colleagues
- Introducing Your Company
- Talking About Your Products
- Delivery of Products
- Payment Terms
- Negotiation of the Sale
- Contracts and Agreements
- Discussing a Reseller Agreement
- Discussing a Distribution Agreement
- Marketing
- Marketing Your Brand
- Launching Your Product
- Market Research
- Advertising Your Product
- E-Commerce and Online Marketing
- Marketing to Online Customers
- Meetings
- Setting Up a Meeting Time
- Setting Up a Meeting Place
- Rearranging Meetings
- Preparing for Meetings
- Meeting at Trade Shows
- Traveling Overseas on Business
- At the airport
- Taking The Train
- At The Hotel
- Going By Taxi
- Going By Bus or Train
- The Hotel Part 1 Check-In
- The Hotel Part 2 Rooms
- The Hotel Part 3 Questions
- The Hotel Part 4 More Questions
- The Hotel Part 5 Checkout
- Hiring a car
- Where is the Nearest Bank?
- At The Bank
- Online Banking
- Stocks and Shares
- Internet Access
- Working Online
- Online Security
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