Learn Shona Online – (Business)

Course Overview
Shona is a national language of Zimbabwe, along with Ndebele and the official business language, English. There are also clusters of Shona in Zambia, Mozambique and Botswana. Nearly 80% of people in Zimbabwe speak the Bantu language of Shona, or chiShona, so this is definitely the language to learn if you are thinking of visiting that country! Despite movement to urban areas, the traditional Shona people maintain constant contact with their rural home, viewing themselves as “sons and daughters of the soil.” It’s important to note that the Shona language is intertwined with Shona social and religious values. In addition to an everyday Shona language there is a “high” or “deep” Shona that is used in communicating with the ancestors. What’s in a name? Zimbabwe is named after Great Zimbabwe, the twelfth- to fifteenth-century stone-built capital of the Rozwi Shona dynasty. The name is thought to derive from dzimba dza mabwe (“great stone houses”) or dzimba waye (“esteemed houses”).
Course Content
- On the Phone
- On the Phone to a Company
- Leaving a Phone Message
- Please Call Me Back
- Calling Customer Service
- Problems on the Phone
- What Do You Do?
- What Do You Do For A Living?
- Introducing Colleagues
- Introducing Your Company
- Talking About Your Products
- Delivery of Products
- Payment Terms
- Negotiation of the Sale
- Contracts and Agreements
- Discussing a Reseller Agreement
- Discussing a Distribution Agreement
- Marketing
- Marketing Your Brand
- Launching Your Product
- Market Research
- Advertising Your Product
- E-Commerce and Online Marketing
- Marketing to Online Customers
- Meetings
- Setting Up a Meeting Time
- Setting Up a Meeting Place
- Rearranging Meetings
- Preparing for Meetings
- Meeting at Trade Shows
- Traveling Overseas on Business
- At the airport
- Taking The Train
- At The Hotel
- Going By Taxi
- Going By Bus or Train
- The Hotel Part 1 Check-In
- The Hotel Part 2 Rooms
- The Hotel Part 3 Questions
- The Hotel Part 4 More Questions
- The Hotel Part 5 Checkout
- Hiring a car
- Where is the Nearest Bank?
- At The Bank
- Online Banking
- Stocks and Shares
- Internet Access
- Working Online
- Online Security
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